The Real Hero of Frozen

Each time we sit down to watch Frozen, Frozen 2, or the Frozen shorts, my husband remarks on how amazing Elsa is (bada$$ is the word he chose, but I felt weird cursing in a post about Disney so). While I agree that Elsa is fierce and all around awesome, I don't think she's the [...]

Who is the Best Disney Prince?

Kristoff. Obviously. What, that isn't enough? Here are my reasons: Pet reindeer. What, still not enough?! Here's the real goods: Pet reindeer (it's worth mentioning twice! Animals are excellent judges of character. Plus it's clear he can take care of someone. He isn't self-centered like some other males we know (ahem Hans)). He's honest- to [...]

Life Lessons from Frozen 2

Frozen II spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk! As you all know, I'm fully and totally obsessed with Frozen II. I've been listening to the music since November, I've seen it in theaters twice, and I can't stop thinking about it. Oh, and I sing All is Lost at bedtime for my kids's lullaby (at their request [...]

Disney Doppelgängers

When you're a deep set Disney nerd like me, you eventually discover an obscure Disney character that kind of resembles you. For a fun game, I thought I'd do a side by side of characters I want to look like, versus the one I kind of do. Disney Doppelgänger Goals I wish I looked like... [...]

Frozen 2 Review

This is normally a spoiler free zone, and the first half of the review is indeed spoiler free. However, I will analyze and discuss the plot later on with spoilers, but don't worry- there will be plenty of signs before there are spoilers! It was incredibly hard, but I was a good mom and took [...]

Everything I Love About the Frozen 2 Trailer

You know it's 2019 when you excitedly open an email from Disney to watch the new Frozen II trailer as it airs live on TV. Thank you, technology and YouTube, for bringing us this blessing. It is magnificent. I also shared this trailer this morning on the blog's Facebook page. Make sure you're following there [...]

If Dads Summarized Disney Movies

The Little Mermaid falls under the topic of 'heated discussions' in our household. My husband (I would hope jokingly but I'm honestly not sure) is against the kids watching it, because Ariel deliberately disobeys her father. Then I provide the counterpoint of her father being anti-human, and how she opened his eyes to a new world. [...]

Frozen Fever and Cinderella Reviews

Last week was spring break in East Tennessee, and I took the opportunity to take my amazing niece to see the new Cinderella movie. From the trailers, I could tell it would either be really good or terribly bad, which for other movies would usually makes me wait until the rental release to see it. But [...]

Hiking the Butte

We've been having what feels like unseasonably warm weather here in Alaska. It's late March, almost all of our snow has melted, and we've had abundant sunshine and high temperatures in the high 30s and low 40s for at least two weeks. I've been enjoying getting out and enjoying this warmer weather, with Baby A [...]

Disney Villains Revealed

Warning: This post contains spoilers for all of the films mentioned. They appear in chronological order, so if you haven't seen the film and don't want it spoiled, don't read that section!Disney villains, like their princess counterparts, have evolved with society. From Snow White and her 1930s damsel in distress-ness that modern feminists abhor to [...]