Book Review: When Stars Rain Down

When Stars Rain Down swept me off my feet. Angela Jackson-Brown's words captured my heart right away, making this book thoroughly in-put-down-able. A heart-racing plot, relatable characters, and a beautifully described setting make this novel one I won't soon forget. The voice is engaging and pulls you in right from the start. You can hear [...]

Pantry Makeover

Finding ways to make spaces work for us has always been a special skill I enjoy employing, and as our family and its needs have changed, I've been able to utilize my skills to make our spaces work for us. Nothing has challenged me like having two virtual learners and two work from home situations [...]

When Tangled Hits Too Close to Home

The other day, I was watching Tangled on Disney+ with my kids when I realized something with startling clarity: we kind of lived part of this movie last year. No, no one was kidnapped nor did we find a magic golden flower. But as Rapunzel sang of spending all of her time in her tower, [...]

Book Review: The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews

Letty Carnahan may be my favorite Mary Kay Andrews character of all time. She is smart, fierce, protective, and resourceful. Add to that witty, kind, great instincts, and you have a winning and memorable character that I'm low-key mad I can't be friends with in real life. The Newcomer, the Mary Kay Andrews novel set [...]

Date Night at Home

Valentine's Day is right around the corner (February 14, if you're lost in time), and with it comes the stress and pressure of Date Night. This year, we have the added bonus struggle of Date Night: Pandemic Edition! Never fear, as someone who has small children who didn't like to be separated from her as [...]

Book Connection: Where to Find Book Deals and Freebies

I love to read. I read quite a bit. Even writing that feels like a gross understatement. Reading isn't just a passion or a hobby or a job for me; it's my non-human spouse. I read to escape, I read to research, I read for fun, I read for work, I love words and [...]