Book Review: Shark Club

Shark Club is a delightful and informative read! With an up close look at sharks and a peek into the world of those who care for them, this book reveals a community (and it’s rival) that I knew little about. All of this information is woven into the plot seamlessly. The plot has great flow [...]

Everything I Love About the Frozen 2 Trailer

You know it's 2019 when you excitedly open an email from Disney to watch the new Frozen II trailer as it airs live on TV. Thank you, technology and YouTube, for bringing us this blessing. It is magnificent. I also shared this trailer this morning on the blog's Facebook page. Make sure you're following there [...]

The Power of Invisibility

Have you ever felt invisible? Sometimes I wish I could be invisible. Like when my kids suddenly get quiet and I want to know what they’re doing but also not interrupt them if they’re not being mischievous. Or when I want to check on them to see if they’re asleep, or if I am checking [...]

How to Make it Feel Like Fall

Or maybe a better title would be, "How to Make it Feel Like Fall, Even When You Live in the South and it's Still Insanely Hot"...hmm, might be a bit long for a title! But really, when you live in the South in the fall, the month of September is basically torture. It still feels [...]

Best Podcasts for Kids and their Grownups

I've long been a fan of podcasts. From the original Serial craze to harkening back to the days of new episodes of Car Talk (which, from a modern standpoint, should count as a podcast since I accessed it by streaming), a good audio story delivered well is hard to beat for long car rides and boring chores. Recently [...]

Book Review: The Bookish Life of Nina Hill

Abbi Waxman may just be my favorite new-to-me author this year. Each of her novels, including this latest release, has a thoroughly developed cast of likable characters. I love delving into their world, and this one is just as exceptional as the last two. In fact, it’s the same world with new characters. It’s so [...]

Keeping Cool at Dollywood

While we're all in fall mode, Mother Nature has not taken the hint here in the South! My latest Dollywood Insiders post has all my top tips and strategies for keeping cool at Dollywood. What's your favorite way to cool off during the hot season?

Book Review: Dandelion Summer

As an avid reader and lifelong book nerd, I was overjoyed to discover one way to acquire new books prior to their release via the site LibraryThing. You can receive free books to review, and it's basically a bibliophile's best friend (in a lottery system sort of way, at least!). So far I've received two [...]