Disney Doppelgängers

When you're a deep set Disney nerd like me, you eventually discover an obscure Disney character that kind of resembles you. For a fun game, I thought I'd do a side by side of characters I want to look like, versus the one I kind of do. Disney Doppelgänger Goals I wish I looked like... [...]

If Dads Summarized Disney Movies

The Little Mermaid falls under the topic of 'heated discussions' in our household. My husband (I would hope jokingly but I'm honestly not sure) is against the kids watching it, because Ariel deliberately disobeys her father. Then I provide the counterpoint of her father being anti-human, and how she opened his eyes to a new world. [...]

Spring Fever, Disney Style

Every year, I'm ready for Spring the day after Valentine's Day. I love winter, and I enjoy it- right up until February 15, when I switch out hearts for bunnies and flowers. This year, the Tennessee weather listened the secret hopes of my spring loving heart, and we've had sunny days in the 70s after [...]

Disney Lullabies

The first night we had our first son home from the hospital, I realized quickly that I knew very few standard lullabies. I relied instead on what I know best: Disney. I still sing him Disney lullabies, and I thought I'd share some of my favorites with videos in their original Disney glory (no, I [...]

Disney for all seasons

We're still new to Tennessee, which means each season is a surprise. Winter so far has been a bit of a disappointment. We've only had two snows that actually stuck, and even that only lasted a few hours. We've had a handful of other snowy days with none lingering, the trees are all half-naked and [...]

Disney lessons

Since it's a rainy summer day here, I decided to take the opportunity to Disney-educate my 19 month old. He loves Frozen, but I wanted to introduce him to some classic Disney favorites of mine. So far this week, we've watched Tangled, Pocahontas and Mulan. And by 'watched', I mean 'had on in the background [...]

The anti-princess movement

Recently I saw this:http://www.upworthy.com/i-respect-these-female-heroes-so-much-more-with-tiny-waists-and-sparkly-dresses-lol-j-k-2?c=ufb1This makes me sad. Why must we, as adults, push anything on little girls? It's okay to pretend you're a Princess. It's okay to play with race cars, climb trees, read books, idolize historic figures, and look up to Disney princesses. Before you shove a 'we as a society' rant down my throat, [...]

10 signs you’re a Disney kid

We may have all grown up with Disney, but it sticks with us more than we know sometimes. Here are 10 signs you're a Disney kid.10. When you hear James Earl Jones' voice, your first thought is "Mufasa".9. Every mermaid reference brings Ariel to mind.8.  The mere mention of necessities brings to mind a certain [...]

Disney Dads

With Father's Day right around the corner, I thought we'd count down the top 10 Disney dads (in my opinion). This is the first year I get to celebrate my husband's new role as a father, and the second year I don't have my own dad to celebrate with. So in honor of all dads, [...]