Frozen 2: Bluray Release Review

I'm an old school Disney nerd, and so I wanted the disc of Frozen II. I even waited two entire extra weeks to get it. But then...where to get it from? Disney Movie Club, Target, Walmart, they all have their own exclusive. So which one is the best one? Options Disney Movie Club requires a membership (which [...]

Disney+ Originals to Watch ASAP

Surprising no one, I've been diving deep into Disney+ and the incredible content available. From classic animation to new live action movies and TV shows, there is just so much to explore. So how do you decide what to watch in this golden age of streaming? Lucky you, I've done the work so you don't [...]

Just Mercy Book Review

Just Mercy wasn't even on my radar. A book about death row? I didn't really have a strong opinion either way; I assumed people smarter than I am had all that figured out (spoiler alert: I was wrong). I'm grateful for friends who challenge me to read books that make me uncomfortable, because it is [...]

Life Lessons from Frozen 2

Frozen II spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk! As you all know, I'm fully and totally obsessed with Frozen II. I've been listening to the music since November, I've seen it in theaters twice, and I can't stop thinking about it. Oh, and I sing All is Lost at bedtime for my kids's lullaby (at their request [...]

Why I’m Not Watching the Oscars

For as long as I can remember, watching the Oscars has been one of my family's traditions. Oscar Sunday usually fell right before Spring Break, so my mom would take my sister and I swimsuit shopping. We'd stop and get Chinese food on the way home, then settle in and watch Hollywood's big night all [...]

Before I Go Book Review

Before I Go made me ugly cry and a dog didn’t even die. What I adore about this novel is that all of the characters have flaws, and therefore act in imperfect ways. When presented with a grim diagnosis, one does not imminently become angelic and perfect and can do no wrong. Our protagonist reacts [...]