Girl Scout Cookie Knockoffs (and where you can get the real thing)

I had plans for this post long before the pandemic dominated headlines and closed Girl Scout Cookie booths prematurely.  How does the coronavirus and subsequent shutdowns affect cookies? Well, aside from those sweet little businesswomen trading cookies for cash (or card; it is 2020) having to take their booths down, the knockoff cookies I review here [...]

Book Review: What You Wish For

Author Katherine Center grabbed my attention with Things You Save in a Fire. She has a knack for thoroughly developed characters, and her latest novel is no exception. Both the characters and the world they inhabit are impeccably crafted. Maybe too well, as it sent me virtually house hunting in Galveston! It may or may [...]

Keeping Connected

How do we stay connected within our communities when we're supposed to keep 6 to ten feet apart at all times? My latest Knoxville Moms post shares just this, including apps and tips for keeping connected during this crazy pandemic. You can read the full post here. Stay safe, friends!  

The Elephant’s Girl Book Review

The Elephant's Girl by Celesta Rimington has swept me off of my feet. I read the full novel within twenty-four hours of reading the first word. It is magical and wonderful and quite definitely in the top five books I've read this year. Yes, technically it's target audience is middle grade, but I can guarantee you [...]

Spring Break in the Time of Coronavirus: How to Save Your Sanity

With Spring Break here and social distancing fully in effect, my latest Knoxville Moms post is all about how to save your sanity while stuck at home. You can read it here. If you're looking for more information on indoor activities with your kids due to this rainy weather, check out this post.Stay safe and wash [...]

Hello, Summer Book Review

Y'all, I have been been a fan of Mary Kay Andrews for at least a decade. Each summer, I look forward to her latest release and tell myself I'll read it slowly and really savor it this year. Yet each year, I find myself absolutely devouring it because it is just so good I can't [...]

Simple, Everyday Avocado Toast Recipe

Y'all, I am obsessed with avocado toast. I cannot get enough of it. It is now my everyday breakfast choice. But at first it was a bit time intensive, as I worked out the right simple recipe that can work on school mornings as well as weekends. I like simple flavors in the morning, so [...]

Disney Songs for Hand Washing

As flu season lingers and the coronavirus spreads, the CDC is reminding everyone to wash their hands for a good 20-30 seconds. Rather than just counting, singing a fun tune has been the hand washing trend as of late. But what Disney verses are in the recommended time range? Look no farther: I've made a [...]

Happily Whatever After Book Review

Happily Whatever After follows protagonist Page after the worst week of her life: losing her job and her boyfriend. As she moves to a new city to start fresh while crashing with her brother, she changes her life by following her the dog park. It is there she meets the people who will help [...]