When Sea Becomes Sky Book Review

Gillian McDunn's newest release When Sea Becomes Sky is a masterpiece. If I may be so bold, it feels like her soulmate book. That might sound like a weird thing to say. It probably is-- I don't know this author! How can I make such a claim? And...What's a soul mate book, anyway? Let's say [...]

One Giant Leap Book Review

What if your biggest dream came true, right in the worst part of your life? Twelve year old Fin loves all things space. With his mom in the hospital after a severe accident, his whole life is different. Then Fin gets life-changing mail: his invention he entered into competition to be one of the first [...]

Reading Roundup: January

January was a slower reading month for me, as I was at my grad school residency for eleven days. Those days were full of lectures, community, workshops, and creativity, but left little room for reading. I'm also officially in my third semester, which is the critical thesis semester, so my upcoming reading is rather focused. [...]