Onward Life Lessons

Disney released Onward to buy and put it on Disney+ to help us all cope with this crazy quarantine lifestyle, and I am so grateful. I had the opportunity to see Onward at an advanced screening before Covid-19 started running our lives (you can read my full review here). I loved it and had planned on taking my four [...]

Disney Songs for Hand Washing

As flu season lingers and the coronavirus spreads, the CDC is reminding everyone to wash their hands for a good 20-30 seconds. Rather than just counting, singing a fun tune has been the hand washing trend as of late. But what Disney verses are in the recommended time range? Look no farther: I've made a [...]

Frozen 2: Bluray Release Review

I'm an old school Disney nerd, and so I wanted the disc of Frozen II. I even waited two entire extra weeks to get it. But then...where to get it from? Disney Movie Club, Target, Walmart, they all have their own exclusive. So which one is the best one? Options Disney Movie Club requires a membership (which [...]

Disney+ Originals to Watch ASAP

Surprising no one, I've been diving deep into Disney+ and the incredible content available. From classic animation to new live action movies and TV shows, there is just so much to explore. So how do you decide what to watch in this golden age of streaming? Lucky you, I've done the work so you don't [...]

Life Lessons from Frozen 2

Frozen II spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk! As you all know, I'm fully and totally obsessed with Frozen II. I've been listening to the music since November, I've seen it in theaters twice, and I can't stop thinking about it. Oh, and I sing All is Lost at bedtime for my kids's lullaby (at their request [...]

Disney Doppelgängers

When you're a deep set Disney nerd like me, you eventually discover an obscure Disney character that kind of resembles you. For a fun game, I thought I'd do a side by side of characters I want to look like, versus the one I kind of do. Disney Doppelgänger Goals I wish I looked like... [...]

The Best Christmas Movies on Disney+

Oh my garland, December is here and Christmas is just a few weeks away! I'm all about the Christmas movies, from animated to heart tugging to classic to cheesy. I'm here for it all! Disney+ has loads of great Christmas movies, so here's what I'm watching this sparkly season! For the whole family Mickey's Once [...]

Frozen 2 Review

This is normally a spoiler free zone, and the first half of the review is indeed spoiler free. However, I will analyze and discuss the plot later on with spoilers, but don't worry- there will be plenty of signs before there are spoilers! It was incredibly hard, but I was a good mom and took [...]

Disney+ Lady and the Tramp 2019 Review

Disney+ has launched, and my social life has plummeted in direct correlation! But seriously, there's just so much great content, from beloved favorites to new material. When Disney+ was first discussed, way before launch dates, I heard rumor of a live action Lady and the Tramp. I was ecstatic about this for so many reasons: dogs! dogs! [...]

What to Watch First on Disney+

Disney+ launched yesterday and oh my garland, was it spectacular. I was initially heartbroken, because so many fellow Disney fans were trying to access it at once that it was having some trouble. Did anyone else get greeted by Ralph and Vanellope saying there was an issue? My first stop was to personalize my profile, [...]