Raya and the Last Dragon Review

Never fear; there are no spoilers here! I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Disney's newest animated film, Raya and the Last Dragon. I was thrilled to learn that it was coming to Disney+ at the same time it would be in theaters, and then slightly bummed when they announced it was another premier access [...]

When Tangled Hits Too Close to Home

The other day, I was watching Tangled on Disney+ with my kids when I realized something with startling clarity: we kind of lived part of this movie last year. No, no one was kidnapped nor did we find a magic golden flower. But as Rapunzel sang of spending all of her time in her tower, [...]

The Real Hero of Frozen

Each time we sit down to watch Frozen, Frozen 2, or the Frozen shorts, my husband remarks on how amazing Elsa is (bada$$ is the word he chose, but I felt weird cursing in a post about Disney so). While I agree that Elsa is fierce and all around awesome, I don't think she's the [...]

Everything I’ve Learned Since Watching Hamilton

Y'all, I have been in full Hamilton obsession since July 3. Since then, I've watched it numerous times, listened to the soundtrack nonstop, and tortured informed everyone I know with facts and tidbits I've learned about the process of making it, the history surrounding it, and all the key words and phrases that pack hidden meanings. [...]

Who is the Best Disney Prince?

Kristoff. Obviously. What, that isn't enough? Here are my reasons: Pet reindeer. What, still not enough?! Here's the real goods: Pet reindeer (it's worth mentioning twice! Animals are excellent judges of character. Plus it's clear he can take care of someone. He isn't self-centered like some other males we know (ahem Hans)). He's honest- to [...]

The Secret Message Hidden in Every Disney Movie

So I was lying in bed the other night, staring at the ceiling in another bout of pandemic insomnia and thinking about Disney movies (you know, as you do), and I had an epic epiphany. The same message I love from Frozen II can be found in every single Disney animated feature, and likely the Pixar ones [...]

What to Watch Now (and Where to Find it)

Whether working from home or just staying in more due to the Coronavirus and ensuing shutdowns and social distancing (which I hope you're doing so we can all be done at some point!), relaxing with the family and watching something together or hiding in your closet on your phone trying to get a five minute [...]

Onward Life Lessons

Disney released Onward to buy and put it on Disney+ to help us all cope with this crazy quarantine lifestyle, and I am so grateful. I had the opportunity to see Onward at an advanced screening before Covid-19 started running our lives (you can read my full review here). I loved it and had planned on taking my four [...]

Onward Movie Review

With Onward, Pixar once again finds a way to make us cry in public (thankfully movie theaters are dark!). Their latest movie is a laugh filled adventure with that classic Pixar deeper message tucked inside. This gorgeous animated film is the story of two brothers and their quest to use the dying art of magic to bring their [...]

Frozen 2: Bluray Release Review

I'm an old school Disney nerd, and so I wanted the disc of Frozen II. I even waited two entire extra weeks to get it. But then...where to get it from? Disney Movie Club, Target, Walmart, they all have their own exclusive. So which one is the best one? Options Disney Movie Club requires a membership (which [...]