Easy Ways to Go Green for Earth Day

If you’ve been thinking about trying to be greener and more eco-friendly, Earth Day is a great chance to get started and get inspired. I’ve always had a bit of an eco-conscience guiding me to be greener, but as new scientific studies have been released and we’ve learned better ways to be kind to the [...]

Pantry Makeover

Finding ways to make spaces work for us has always been a special skill I enjoy employing, and as our family and its needs have changed, I've been able to utilize my skills to make our spaces work for us. Nothing has challenged me like having two virtual learners and two work from home situations [...]

The Prime Perk You Might Be Missing Out On: Amazon First Reads

Last year, I learned of the Amazon Prime First Reads program. After that, I decided I absolutely had to have a Prime membership. While I love the two day shipping and Prime Video has its perks, the First Reads program is still my favorite part of Prime. What's First Reads? First Reads is a Prime [...]

DIY Upcycled Potting Bench

I just hate throwing things away. I also have a tendency to rescue sad looking furniture from the side of the road and fix it up. When I saw this pitiful table, I knew I could turn it into a potting station for our porch. We've really gotten into gardening in the last two years, [...]

DIY Mario Dresser

Once upon a time, I bought a cute little dresser and turned it into a coffee bar. You can read all about it here. When I redid my kitchen (here), I moved the dresser-turned-coffee-bar into a bedroom and it became a dresser again. Our youngest had outgrown his changing table before potty training, thus the [...]

Knoxville Moms Post: Meal Planning Saves My Sanity

Hey, y'all! My latest Knoxville Moms post is up, and it's all about my simple technique for saving money and sanity: meal planning! I'm not an extravagant meal planner: I only do dinners, and make a weekly menu. I detail my method and how it benefits my family in my post, which you can find [...]

RabbitGoo Window Cling/Film Installation and Review

This looks like something that would be a sponsored post, but it isn't. i just found something fun and wanted to share it with y'all. If a post is ever sponsored, I'll let you know right away up here at the very top! I recently saw an ad on social media promoting a window cling [...]

Organize Your Life with Baby Wipes Containers

If you buy baby wipes, you undoubtedly end up with a dozen reusable wipes containers haphazardly stacked and frequently knocked over by mischievous little hands. They seem like they'd be super useful, but you only keep wipes in so many places. So what purpose can you give these wipes containers? Here are a few ideas [...]

Going Green in 2019

Did you know I also write for the Knoxville Mom's Blog? This month I shared some of my favorite tips, from little steps to big leaps, on how to live greener in 2019. You can check it out here! What are your favorite tips for going green?