Bravely Book Review

Maggie Stiefvater whisks readers away to long ago Scotland in Bravely, a novel continuation of the Pixar movie Brave. As a longtime fan of Brave, I was both ecstatic and apprehensive about a novel continuation. The same conundrums that put fear in the hearts of readers as their favorite books are adapted into films persists [...]

You’re More Than Just Your Gift with Knoxville Moms

My latest post for the Knoxville Moms was inspired by Encanto, the soundtrack of which plays in my head on a constant loop. You can read the full post here! Here's a sneak peek: Like much of the population, I've been constantly listening to (and absently singing) songs from Encanto since I first saw it. I'm [...]

2021 in Books: Reading Review

This is one of my favorite posts, and one I do every year. This is all of the books I read in 2021! Links are reviews, and * marks a favorite. I hope some of these make it on to your 2022 To Be Read pile! You can find the full list that's available for [...]

Book Review: Feather and Flame

Never fear, there are no spoilers here! There is a trigger warning at the end of the post, but no plot details are given away. Happy reading! If you've been around here for a minute, my Disney love is not a surprise. Combining my two biggest entertainment obsessions, Disney and books, is peak goals over [...]

Book Review: If the Shoe Fits (Meant to Be #1)

I'm an absolute sucker for reimagined fairy tales, and I always have been. Don't even ask me how many times I've re-read Ella Enchanted. When I saw Dumplin' author Julie Murphy had a Cinderella-with-a-twist novel coming out, I jumped at the chance to read it. I was not disappointed! Cindy has always loved shoes. So [...]

When Tangled Hits Too Close to Home

The other day, I was watching Tangled on Disney+ with my kids when I realized something with startling clarity: we kind of lived part of this movie last year. No, no one was kidnapped nor did we find a magic golden flower. But as Rapunzel sang of spending all of her time in her tower, [...]

Introducing Hocus and Pocus

Backstory: I grew up with a dog, two cats, and a verifiable zoo of other animals (birds, fish, a rabbit). But once I left for college and was no longer around the cats frequently, I developed an allergy. Flash forward 13 years, and my kid is cat-crazy. It would just make his life if he [...]

The Real Hero of Frozen

Each time we sit down to watch Frozen, Frozen 2, or the Frozen shorts, my husband remarks on how amazing Elsa is (bada$$ is the word he chose, but I felt weird cursing in a post about Disney so). While I agree that Elsa is fierce and all around awesome, I don't think she's the [...]

Everything I’ve Learned Since Watching Hamilton

Y'all, I have been in full Hamilton obsession since July 3. Since then, I've watched it numerous times, listened to the soundtrack nonstop, and tortured informed everyone I know with facts and tidbits I've learned about the process of making it, the history surrounding it, and all the key words and phrases that pack hidden meanings. [...]

Anti-Racist Disney Movies to Watch with Your Kids

Representation matters. It's important for kids to see themselves reflected on screen, and also to teach them empathy towards others who look, sound, or seem different. We are all human, and Disney has done a wonderful job of utilizing storytelling to help convey that message. With such wonderful anti-racism resources out there for kids, from [...]