Advent Adventures: Daily Christmas Traditions

A hallmark of my childhood Christmases was moving the marker on our hanging advent calendar. It wasn't the kind with wooden doors or fancy chocolates, just a simple but beautiful design of a cozy house with little numbered pockets for a small felt mouse to sit nice and cozy while we moved closer and closer [...]

Pandemic Habits I’m Keeping

My latest post for the Knoxville Moms is up, and it's all about the pandemic habits we've formed over the past year-- and which ones we're taking with us. During the past year at home, we’ve learned, grown, and adapted. We baked bread, grew our garden, cut our own hair, learned how to make our [...]

Date Night at Home

Valentine's Day is right around the corner (February 14, if you're lost in time), and with it comes the stress and pressure of Date Night. This year, we have the added bonus struggle of Date Night: Pandemic Edition! Never fear, as someone who has small children who didn't like to be separated from her as [...]

Baking Up Nostalgia

Some of my earliest memories take place in my childhood kitchen. I'm settled up on the countertop, feet swinging, as my dad rolls out the pie crust dough made from my great-grandmother's secret recipe. There's a chill in the air signaling it's Thanksgiving or Christmas, and everything feels a bit magical and special. Baking might [...]

DIY 3D Paper Snowflakes

Have y'all seen the TikTok tutorial on making 3D paper snowflakes using paper lunch bags? It's so fun! You can view the original video here, and keep reading for our tips and tricks for doing this fun Christmas craft with kids! Well, I had to try it. Since I was too impatient to dig out [...]

Halloween at Home

My latest post for the Knoxville Moms is about having a safe and fun Halloween at home, establishing new traditions to make the holiday feel special even if trick or treating is off the table. You can find it here! Happy Spooky Season! How are you celebrating Halloween this year?

Halloween 2020: Trick or Treating Alternatives

Much like the rest of 2020, Halloween is going to look different this year. I KNOW. I truly do. I get it. I hate it, too. But this is our reality, and we have to adapt. My kids look forward to trick or treating all year long, and usually start talking about Halloween costumes in [...]

Let Them See You

Let them see you. Let them see you be you. Whether you’re creating something for the joy of it (even if you aren’t good at it! Especially if you aren’t good at it!) or delighting in a book, let them see you. We spend so much of our lives living under our titles: daughter, wife, [...]

DIY Upcycled Potting Bench

I just hate throwing things away. I also have a tendency to rescue sad looking furniture from the side of the road and fix it up. When I saw this pitiful table, I knew I could turn it into a potting station for our porch. We've really gotten into gardening in the last two years, [...]

DIY Mario Dresser

Once upon a time, I bought a cute little dresser and turned it into a coffee bar. You can read all about it here. When I redid my kitchen (here), I moved the dresser-turned-coffee-bar into a bedroom and it became a dresser again. Our youngest had outgrown his changing table before potty training, thus the [...]