Christmas in… November?

At first I thought it was just my imagination. Christmas seemed to be popping up earlier and earlier each year.

But now… I have proof.

Other than the fact that Black Friday sales have been going on since November 1st (which is really a contradiction, since Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and therefore the only day on which there can be Black Friday sales is, in fact, that day.). Stores are already advertising their Black Friday hours. Christmas trees went up at JC Penney BEFORE Halloween. Absolute craziness. Can we not enjoy each holiday as it comes, without mass harassment from retailers?

In addition to retail stores going Christmas-Crazy early, T.V. stations are now doing the same. ABC Family, one of my favorite channels for holidays because of their “25 Days of Christmas” series, is now beginning in NOVEMBER. I’m pretty sure “25 Days” means it should begin December 1st.

At this rate, in 10 years Christmas ads will begin, quite literally, in July.

I love Christmas. But like most things, Christmas (and other winter holidays) should be celebrated in the month in which they occur. I understand beginning Christmas tidings the day after Thanksgiving. But by extending celebrations each year,  Christmas is growing LESS scarce. And as all economists know, scarcity creates value. Therefore, retailers are devaluing Christmas. Shame, shame shame.

The more important matter is that retailers are trivializing winter holidays by pressuring consumers to purchase more items and sooner than they did last year. Perhaps the heads of each major retail company should watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and be reminded that decorations, gifts, plays, etc etc are not what Christmas/ holidays are really about. Whether one is religious or not, at the very least Christmas is about spending time with those you love and creating memories to reminisce about for years to come, when you’re missing those people. How many gifts are under the tree, how new your tablecloth is, what kind of food you have… it’s all irrelevant. Holiday time is a time to appreciate your friends and family. Sadly, for retailers, there is no price tag for that.

And yet, I’m writing about Christmas the second week in November. Ironic? Yes. Necessary? Definitely.

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