Book Review: A Botanist’s Guide to Parties and Poisons

Saffron Everleigh would choose plants over her academic colleagues any day. But alas, rumors are swirling about her status as a research assistant in 1923 London, and she must be more outgoing to show her colleagues she is professional and a student pursuing graduate studies, not her MRS. Her first step to overcome the rumors [...]

Book Review: The Last House on the Street

I read Diane Chamberlain for the first time just two years ago, when I devoured and adored her novel, The Dream Daughter. It has stuck with me, becoming one of those books that I continue to think about long after I've closed the cover. Her latest novel, The Last House on the Street, is going [...]

Book Review: The Last Guest

Tess Little's The Last Guest is a provocative mystery dripping with intrigue, perfect for armchair detectives. The morning after an elite Hollywood director's birthday party, he's found dead by his own party guests. When the police rule his death a murder, all eight guests are under suspicion. Each has a motive and opportunity-- who is [...]

Of Mutts and Men Book Review

Way back in 2008, I was working at Barnes & Noble and found myself in the mystery section. Now, back in those old days I didn't really stray from my general fiction section. The mystery covers were often, quite frankly, terrifying. While we all say the adage don't judge a book by its cover, I often [...]