Sheine Lende Book Review

Darcie Little Badger's Elatsoe enchanted readers with its incredible world building, lovable ghost dog, and unforgettable characters. In Sheine Lende, readers get to return to the world of Elatsoe before Ellie's time, learning her grandmother's story. When she was a child, Shane's family was traumatically displaced from their home, and each other, after a flood. [...]

The Starfish Sisters Book Review

Phoebe and Suze, Suze and Phoebe. They've been best friends since they met on the beach as kids, a friendship that has sustained and hurt and healed and hurt again. As secrets and unresolved hurts have built up over time, their relationship has fractured. When Suze returns to their small coastal Oregon town to recover [...]

Georgie, All Along Book Review

Would middle school you be happy or disappointed in how your life turned out? This is the truth Georgie must confront: she has not lived up to the goals and expectations of her middle school hopes and dreams. She didn't even do the things in her hometown that she always planned on. Now that she's [...]

Wherever the Wind Takes Us Book Review

I always know I can count on Kelly Harms for a great story in a gorgeous setting, and her latest novel Wherever the Wind Takes Us doesn't disappoint in any regard. Becca has recently broken free from her toxic marriage to a wealthy man, and is now broke, but in possession of a fancy sailboat. [...]

This Place of Wonder Book Review

In her latest novel This Place of Wonder, Barbara O'Neal acutely captures the nature of grief, the aching of belonging, and the powerful effect hope and time can have on both. Famed chef Augustus Beauvais dies unexpectedly, leaving behind two daughters, an ex-wife, a girlfriend, and a sagging empire. The women who mourn him are [...]

Nora Goes Off Script

Annabel Monaghan's Nora Goes Off Script is utterly delightful from start to finish. Screenwriter Nora usually writes TV romance movies that bring in a reliable check and follow a reliable formula. But the collapse of her marriage led her to write something completely different and new, and now her words are headed to the big [...]

Sari, Not Sari Book Review

Sonya Singh's Sari, Not Sari is a delicious treat of a rom-com, the perfect spring and summer read. It's the book that once you finish the last sentence, you clutch it to your chest and start counting down until it makes its appearance on the silver screen (because you just KNOW it is meant to [...]

Book Review: The Last House on the Street

I read Diane Chamberlain for the first time just two years ago, when I devoured and adored her novel, The Dream Daughter. It has stuck with me, becoming one of those books that I continue to think about long after I've closed the cover. Her latest novel, The Last House on the Street, is going [...]

2017: The Year of 75 Books

I'm obsessed with reading. It's true. I'd say I'm on the road to recovery, but I'd probably stop by the library first.I've gotten a lot of questions recently about how I find the time to read. For me, it's about making time. Reading is my self-care. I shared many ideas on how to make time [...]