The Infinity Rainbow Club 2: Violet and the Jurassic Land Exhibit Book Review

Jen Malia’s second book in The Rainbow Infinity Club series, Violet and the Jurassic Land Exhibit, is just as delightful and engaging as the first.

In this book, readers still get to see Nick, from Nick and the Brick Builder Challenge (review here) and the whole Rainbow Infinity Club, but the focus is on his classmate and friend, Violet. Another member of the Rainbow Infinity Club, tbe club for kids whose brains work a little differently, Violet is learning to manage her OCD.

Violet is helping her parents with their work at the museum as they prepare to open a new dinosaur exhibit. Violet loves dinosaurs, but is struggling with intrusive thoughts and a younger brother that insists on helping. With the help of the Rainbow Infinity Club, Violet works on not checking her work seven times, being part of a team, and remembering that thinking bad thoughts doesn’t mean those bad things are more likely to happen.

Once again, Malia expertly shares a neurodivergent experience in a kid-friendly way. Any family that includes a member with OCD would find this book an excellent tool for not only understanding OCD, but how to help someone they love who has OCD. Violet’s intrusive thoughts, repetitive behaviors, and anxiety are presented in a way that is realistic for kids who have OCD without veering into stereotypes.

There is so much I loved about this book. The neurodivergent representation is on point. I also loved the intergenerational family representation, including a grandmother character who isn’t frail. We love our fierce grandmas! Both of Violet’s parents hold doctorates, and it was fun to see them working together, each in their chosen specialty, and including Violet and her brother in their work as well.

The Infinity Rainbow Club: Violet and the Jurassic Land Exhibit is an excellent second book in a wonderful series. Readers are sure to love this glimpse into Violet’s life, from discovering a fossil to helping launch a new exhibit to making boba with her grandmother.

Thank you to the author and Beaming Books for an advanced copy such that I could share my honest opinion!

You can purchase The Infinity Rainbow Club: Violet and the Jurassic Land Exhibit from here. Disclosure: I am an affiliate of I will earn a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you click through and make a purchase.

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