The Legendary Mo Seto Book Recommendation

A.Y. Chan’s The Legendary Mo Seto is an action-packed adventure with an engaging story starring a fierce main character.

Mo Seto has been training in taekwondo for as long as she can remember. And for as long as she can remember, she’s been great at it. Sure, she has to work super hard. But she sees her hard work pay off. Until her main enemy, Dax, has a growth spurt. And Mo? Mo stays four foot six (and a half!). When the chance to star in a movie alongside her all-time favorite martial artist/actor arises, Mo knows she has to audition. Even if it means sneaking off to auditions. She’s sure she’ll get the part…and when she learns she’s up against her old enemy, Dax, she’s even more determined. But will her efforts to get the part, and connect with her recently distant dad, push her away from her best friend?

I devoured this book. Mo is such a relatable character, even when she makes not the best choices. I adored how spunky and fierce she is, even while bemoaning her size. As a fellow shorty, I was rooting for her so hard. Watching her learn to embrace her size, instead of resent it, was healing for my own inner short kid (and, ahem, as a still-short adult!).

This book was action-packed, keeping me hooked from the first page. I wanted the same answers Mo did: why was her dad being so weird? What was up with that mysterious book in the basement? Why are both of her parents being so cagey about her Dad’s family history? The action scenes are written with such energy. The audition scenes are cinematic, with heart and humor offering balance to Mo’s embarrassing moments.

Mo’s growth expands beyond her physical abilities– as she learns about her family, she begins to understand why her mom wants her to learn Chinese and starts to become curious about who her parents are as people outside their roles as mom and dad. Her emotional growth is tender without ever being saccharine or unrealistic.

I adored the characters in this book. From Mo and her immediate family to her best friend, Nacho, and his family, both primary and secondary characters are well developed and feel real. Even the not so easily loved characters, such as her enemy Dax, the movie director (hilariously referred to as The Beard by narrator Mo), and the movie’s martial arts choreographer are all well developed and believable characters. As a result, Mo, her world, and the people in it feel real.

The conclusion leads me to believe there is a chance this could be the first book in a series. I, for one, would love to see more of Mo, her endearing friends and family, and their adventures.

This middle grade novel is perfect for fans of action packed books, martial arts, and anyone who has ever felt different because of their size.

Thank you to the author, Simon & Schuster, and NetGalley for providing a copy of the book such that I could share my honest opinion.

The Legendary Mo Seto is now available! You can order this exciting title from here. Disclosure: I am an affiliate of I will earn a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you click through and make a purchase.

You can find author A.Y. Chan’s website here!

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